Channel: Symbols & Emoticons
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Giggling Cat

Laughing cat emoticon

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Giggling cat iconThis joyful kitten is on the floor giggling. If someone you know makes you laugh, you can share this emoticon with them. We hope you'll take time to get to know all of our emoticons. You can share them with family and friends and inspire them to share some too.

White Kitten with Heart

Love kitty for Facebook
Love kitty

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Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

White kitten with heartWhen you want to tell someone you love them, you don't even have to type a word. Just send this emoticon and they'll know exactly how you feel. We want our emoticons to help you express all your feelings. Whatever your mood, we have emoticons that are just right for you.

Cat with Yarn

Yarn FB kitty

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Cat with yarnIt doesn't take long to get in touch with someone you care about on Facebook. All you have to do is choose an emoticon and click to send it to a timeline or in a private message. You'll enjoy sending your friends images that will brighten their day. Our emoticons are free and convenient for you to use.

Mama Cat and Kittens

Mama cat FB sticker
Mama Cat

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Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Mama cat and kittensThis sweet image is ready for you to share it on Facebook. If you know someone who loves cats, this emoticon is perfect for them. Send it in a message or post it to someone's timeline. Everyone loves to receive posts. You can make their day when you send them a bright and adorable image like this.

Tasmanian Devil in Love

Tasmanian Devil for Facebook
Tasmanian Devil

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Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Tasmanian Devil in LoveShare in the fun on Facebook when you post this emoticon to your timeline or send it in a message. This character emoticon is a classic and your FB friends will enjoy seeing it pop up on Facebook. Tell your friends about our website so they can share in the fun too!


Sleepy Dwarf Character

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

SleepyWhen you're ready to sign off of Facebook for the night, let Sleepy tell your friends what you're up to! We have all sorts of expressive emoticons for you to share. Visit our website often so you can find out about the new emoticons we add to our collection.

SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants Facebook Emoticon

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Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

SpongeBob SquarePants iconBikini Bottom's best fry cook can be your FB mascot. Send SpongeBob in a private message or post him to your timeline. Your friends will enjoy a greeting with Spongebob's perpetually happy face. Scroll through our collection to find your favorite emoticons and smileys. You can share some each day.

Angry Bird

Angry Bird emoticon for Facebook
Angry Bird

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Angry Bird iconThis Angry Bird is ready for you to feature it in a chat message or post to a timeline. As popular icons, Angry Birds are perfect for sharing how you feel about a bad break-up, a big game loss, or just an all-around rough day. We're guessing you have reasons now and again to post this cool emoticon for your FB friends to see.

Garfield Emoticon

Garfield Facebook Emoticon
Lazy Garfield

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Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Garfield emoticonIf you're about to order a pepperoni pizza and you're chilling on Facebook, you can post Garfield to your FB timeline. This big, lazy cat is a classic icon. Your friends will enjoy seeing him pop up on Facebook. If you want to give someone a laugh, you can send Garfield in a message.

Birthday Celebration

Birthday party emoticon for Facebook
Birthday party

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Emoticon celebrating birthdayThis cheerful emoticon is in a festive mood because it's someone's birthday. Share this emoticon on Facebook with a family member or friend who has a birthday to celebrate. You can send along your positive wishes and put a smile on someone's face. We have emoticons and smileys for every occasion.

Jolly Emoticon

Jolly emoticon for Facebook

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Jolly emoticonThis emoticon has a message of love to share. Send it in a private message to your sweetie. Even when you don't have time to write a long love letter, our smileys will help you convey your feelings, and it only takes a moment to send them to Facebook to the person who's on your mind!

Wrapped Up

Wrapped Up Facebook Emoticon
Wrapped up

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Emoticon is wrapped upSome days you're just not at your best or maybe you're all wrapped up in work or some drama. You can convey your sentiments on Facebook when you post this message to your friends. We have a wide array of emoticons for you to use and share with all your family members and friends. Check them out.


Bump emoticon

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Emoticon with bump on his headThis emoticon has some big headache. If you have a similar ache to cope with, let your friends and family on Facebook know your feeling. Maybe the big game didn't go your way or maybe you took a spill on your bike. Whatever the case may be, you can send this emoticon to Facebook for free to share how you're feeling.

Punched Eye

Emoticon with black eye
Punched eye

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Emoticon with punched eyeThis emoticon's eye got in the way of something big and strong. If you also had a rough night, you can post this emoticon to your FB timeline and let your friends know how you're doing. You can share our emoticons every day. You'll never be bored when you have so many things to express.


Emoticon with hearing aid
Not hearing well

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Emoticon not hearing wellThis emoticon can't hear so well today. It attended a Justin Beiber concert last night and a million girls screamed in its ear. If you need someone on FB to speak up a little louder, send this emoticon in a message. Check out all our great emoticons and tell your friends and family to use them too.


Sick emoticon with thermometer

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Sick emoticonThis emoticon is feeling under the weather. The cold and flu is going around and, perhaps, you know all too well. If you are at home and curled up in bed fighting a bad bug, you can let everyone know on Facebook how you feel. Then have some chicken soup and tea.

Case of the Spots

Rash emoticon for Facebook

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Emoticon having spotsWe're not sure what the problem is with this emoticon--acne, mosquito bites, measles? In any case, we hope it's not contagious! If you've come down with a rash, you can use this emoticon to tell your pals on Facebook that you'll be hanging out at home for a while until it clears up!

Rainbow Fever

Emoticon with harsh fever
Harsh fever

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Emoticon changing colors because of feverThis emoticon caught something and we're not sure what, but at least it's colorful! If you are fighting some kind of bug or just feeling green after too much partying, you can send this emoticon in a message to your friends. It will pep up your messages and you'll have a ball exchanging images!

What's Up Doc?

Doctor Emoticon for Facebook

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Doctor emoticonTime for a check-up? We have emoticons for every situation. You can scroll through each gallery to get to know our vast collection of images. Use them on Facebook to communicate with all your friends. Post them to timelines or send them in messages. You'll have so much fun keeping in touch.

Open Up

Emoticon at doctors
Open up

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Emoticon visiting doctorOur emoticons are designed for use on Facebook and you'll find that we have them for every occasion. You'll love keeping in touch on Facebook with these emoticons and smileys. Your family and friends will be delighted when they open up their messages and see these fun images.

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