Channel: Symbols & Emoticons
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The Doctor is In

Silly emoticon visiting doctor

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Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Silly emoticon at doctor examIs there anything going on in there? We're not sure this doc knows any cures but you'll find this emoticon can bring a smile to someone's face. Because we add new emoticons all the time, you'll want to visit our website often to see what's new. Follow us on Facebook to find out about new updates.

About to Explode

Bomb Facebook emoticon
Bomb emoticon

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Bomb emoticonSomething has upset our emoticon. Perhaps you know what it is? We have an arsenal of angry and explosive emoticons for you to share on Facebook when the mood suits you. Scroll through our collection to discover the great images we've created just for Facebook fans to use.

Ticking Time Bomb

Bomb emoticon about to explode
Oh nooo

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Ticking time bomb emoticonIf someone has made you extra mad, this emoticon will let them know that your fuse is about to blow! You can use our emoticons to express each and every feeling--even the angry ones. If someone has made you upset, blow off some steam and chill out on Facebook for a while instead of blowing your top for real!

Putting Out the Fuse

Emoticon putting the bomb fuse out
Blowing the fuse off the bomb

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Emoticon putting out the fuseSometimes it's just better to cool off than explode. If you've made someone mad, let them know you'll do what you can to make things right! Send this expressive emoticon in a message and do your best to fix the situation. Scroll through to find other emoticons that allow you to express yourself.

Fizzled Fuse

Disabled bomb emoticon
Fizzled fuse

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Fizzled fuse emoticonThis bomb isn't going to blow after all! It's much healthier to laugh than to blow up anyway. Besides, you can de-stress when you share our emoticons on Facebook. Scroll our collection to find a wide array of fun emoticons and smileys that you can use each day you visit Facebook.


Bomb for Facebook

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Bomb is disabledWhen you want to express your feelings on Facebook, you can share our emoticons with your pals. As you can see, we've designed many great emoticons for just about any feeling or situation you can think of. Take your time and discover the images that suit your style and every mood.

Smiley in a Clean Environment

Smiley on a meadow
Smiley and ladybug :)

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Clean environment emoticonThis seasonal emoticon is just perfect to share on a bright, sunny day. You'll love all of our fun images that will complement your messages. Post them to a timeline and see how much enjoyment your pals will get when they see them. This emoticon is perfect for bring a smile to someone's face.

Acrobat Smiley

Acrobat smiley for Facebook

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Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Acrobat emoticonThis emoticon is perfect for sharing on Facebook. If you want to create memorable messages and posts, scroll through are wide array of images to find you favorites. Our emoticons will help you enjoy Facebooking with your friends even more. Share them whenever you want to brighten someone's day.

Surgeon Smiley

Surgery emoticon for Facebook

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Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Surgeon SmileyThis emoticon has an operation to attend to. If you have a situation in mind to use it, go ahead and post it to Facebook. You can share it on someone's timeline or in a private message. Our emoticons are free to use. Go ahead and share some with your friends on FB every day!


Scuba diving smiley

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Snorkel smileyIf you are on vacation and want to check in with your Facebook pals, let them know what you've been up to. Our emoticons are fun and easy to use. Your family and friends will enjoy reading your colorful posts that are so expressive and clever. We have a large variety of emoticons to suit every situation.

Blast Off

Cosmic smiley for Facebook
Blast Off

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

If you feel like blasting off, choose this expressive emoticon to share on Facebook. We've designed a wide assortment for you to enjoy. Check them out and post some every day. We love to create new images for our fans to enjoy. Share as many as you like; they're free!

Squeezing In

Squeezed emoticon
Squeezing in

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Emoticon squeezing inThese triplets are ready to help you express yourself on Facebook. Make someone's day when you send them a message filled with thoughtful images. Take your time to look through each gallery. You'll discover images that are suitable for every occasion and emotion.

Smiling Heart

Smiling heart Facebook sticker
Smiling heart

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Smiling heart iconThis heart has a big grin for someone you know! Ramp up your message with a bright smiling heart. Your messages will appear so much more interesting when you choose emoticons that complement your text. Because they're free to use, you can enjoy posting them on Facebook every single day.

Frowny-Face Heart

Sad heart emoticon
Sad heart

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Frowny-Face HeartThis heart is downcast today, but we hope it won't last long. If you are feeling the same, you can post this emoticon to your FB timeline. Tell someone that you're feeling sad when you share this image in a message. We have all sorts of expressive images for you to share for every occasion.

Winking Heart

Wink heart Facebook sticker

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Winking heart iconThis heart has a wink for someone special! Don't be shy; let that special person know that they're on your mind. You can send these emoticons each and every day. Choose your favorites and send them to all your FB friends. We've designed them just for you!

Big Smile Heart

Laughing heart emoticon
Big smile

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Big smile heartThis happy heart has so much to smile about. You can spread its happiness on Facebook by posting it to a timeline or message. Emoticons help you express all your emotions. They're color your posts with their fun and wit. Take your time to discover new favorites. We add new designs all the time!

Shouting Heart

Facebook heart yelling

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Shouting heartIf you've got something to say, you should just shout it out loud! This emoticon will help you get people's attention. We have so many attention-getting images that will stop people in their tracks. Share them with friends and family whenever you visit Facebook to keep in touch.

Money Love

Money heart icon
Money love

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Money love emoticonThis emoticon is in love with those dollar signs. Mercenary it may be--but it's hard to get by without those bucks! Share this image with someone you know on FB. You can also post it in a message. Our emoticons take just a couple clicks to send to Facebook.

Unimpressed Heart

Not impressed heart emoticon

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Unimpressed Heart IconThis heart is not thrilled and isn't likely to be. You can share this image on Facebook and express yourself with flair. Your friends will love all the personality you infuse into each post. We have so many! The hardest part will be choosing which ones to send your FB friends!

Angry Heart

Angry heart Facebook emoticon

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Angry heart emoticonThis heart has had a bad day and is pretty angry about it. If you can relate, you might as well share this image on your FB timeline. You can also post it to a message to let someone know you are far from pleased. Our images are designed to help you express every emotion under the sun.

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