Channel: Symbols & Emoticons
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Totally uncalled for

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Totally uncalled for
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Our animated emoticons like this one can help you convey a clever retort when you're on Facebook. Our emoticons are perfect for all sorts of situations on FB. Let them help you share your thoughts and emotions. Every emoticon and smiley is free to use. Be sure to scroll through our website to get to know all of them.

Excuse me

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Excuse me
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When you browse through our database of emoticons, you'll find many that will help you express everything you want to say to family members or friends on Facebook. Get to know our great collection of emoticons so you can share clever animated images like this one.

I was like

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I was like
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If you're enjoying a long chat session on Facebook, you can ramp up the conversation when you share fun animated emoticons like this one. Our images are perfect for lightening up the moment or making your pals laugh. Share them each time you visit FB. They're easy to share and they don't cost a thing.

Counting minutes

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Counting minutes
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If you're counting down the minutes until you can be with that special someone to give them a back rub or foot massage, this animated emoticon is perfect for you to share. Our emoticons work in private messages as well as timelines. You can also share them in comments sections.

You make me blush

Facebook Chat
You make me blush
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Ramp up the fun factor on Facebook when you use colorful and witty emoticons like this one. You can express yourself in a myriad of unique and clever ways using our emoticons and smileys. Animated emoticons add just a bit more fun to your FB messaging. Tell your friends to check out our collection of emoticons too!

Get our freak on

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Get our freak on
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If there's someone on FB you want to get freaky with, share this animated emoticon in a message. All of our images are designed to work anywhere on Facebook. Just take your time to scroll our vast collections of smileys and emoticons to find ones that suit your style.

Counting minutes

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Counting minutes
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Any plans tonight?

Facebook Chat
Any plans tonight?
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You can be as self-confident as this handsome emoticon when you send him to Facebook. If there's someone you want to hook up with, don't be shy. Let our animated emoticons help you connect. Our images work anywhere on Facebook. Send one in a message or post on an FB timeline.


Facebook Chat
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There are a trillion places on Facebook where an emoticon like this one is the best response you can make. Try it and see. Discover that we have tons of emoticons that you can share for all sorts of situations on Facebook. We love designing these emoticons so visit often to see what's new.

Nerdy laugh

Facebook Chat
Nerdy laugh
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When you don't know how to respond to someone's FB post, this nerdy laugh will suffice. Just try it and see for yourself! We have a lot of fun creating these images for you to share with your Facebook friends. We know they enliven conversations and help you communicate in fun and clever ways.

My stapler

Facebook Chat
My stapler
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Is someone getting on your nerves and asking too many questions? Maybe there's an old pal from grade school that keeps invading your chat? You don't have to say a word. Just let our zany images do the talking for you. Although those people annoying you probably won't take the hint, at least you can amuse yourself!

Chicks think I'm hot

Facebook Chat
Chicks think I'm hot
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If you're a hottie, you can share this emoticon for a laugh! Somehow these talking images are always unexpected so they easily draw attention. Make your FB friends smile when you post cute and quirky images like this one. Get to know our collection so you can post one every day.


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Doing math is cool--right? If you're cruising through your homework, tell your FB friends that calculating is underway. All of our animated images work on Facebook. Get to know them so you can share them in just the right way for a wide array of situations and conversations.


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Let your FB network know you're a trekker. Post it in comments sections or share it on your timeline. We help you say whatever's on your mind. Even when you don't know what to say, we've likely go a talking image for that too! Scroll through and find images that will work best for you.

Gaming later?

Facebook Chat
Gaming later?
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Gamers can unite on Facebook--and they often do. Post this quirky emoticon when you want to set up a gaming date. Sure, you could go out to a party or even go shopping, but why do that when you can kick back on the couch and remotely beat your FB friends at video games!

And now...

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And now...
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When you'd like to say something a little bit out of the ordinary, you can share this clever animated emoticon. We have designed this gallery of images for you to share with your friends on Facebook. You can share them day or night and in any context you like. Just have fun!

Any day now

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Any day now
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If you've been waiting to hear back from someone on Facebook, you might want to send them this not-so-subtle reminder that your patience is wearing thin. We can help you say just the right thing. All you have to do is choose the best talking image for the situation at hand.

Are we having fun

Facebook Chat
Are we having fun
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If you have to ask whether you're having fun yet, you probably aren't--and no one else is either. Maybe this little emoticon can get the party started! Try it out and see. Our emoticons and smileys can be shared anywhere on Facebook. They're free and will add a lot of personality to FB.

Be right back

Facebook Chat
Be right back
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Sometimes there's no polite way to duck out of a chat, but this emoticon helps get you off the hook to--you know--run to the bathroom, check on your frozen pizza, or slip into your pajamas. Whatever the case, if you need to take an FB break, you can post this image in a chat or on your FB timeline.

Do I look like...

Facebook Chat
Do I look like...
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You know very well that you can easily post this image on Facebook every day and it'd be appropriate for some post or another. There is a huge quantity of information on FB that is really there just to annoy you. You can fight back with this emoticon that will express your feelings perfectly.

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