Channel: Symbols & Emoticons
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Hug Smiley

Hugs Emoticon
Hug Smiley

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Hug SmileyThis smiley is excited to give a hug. If you want to share something exciting on Facebook, our emoticons will help you convey your thoughts and get people's attention. You don't ever have to write a boring post again when you use our hug smiley to rev up the interest factor of your communications.

Big Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up Big Facebook Smiley
Big Thumbs Up

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Big Thumbs Up SmileyWant to tell someone on Facebook that you like their style or their post? You can use our smileys to get your point across. Once you discover that we have emoticons for every occasion, you'll want to visit us each time you use Facebook. We design new images all the time so visit us whenever you can.

Shades Smiley

Cool Smiley With Shades
Cooler in Shades

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Shades SmileyThis cool smiley is looking it's best in a snazzy pair of sunglasses. Show him off on Facebook when you want to get your friends' attention. When you share our unique emoticons on Facebook, you'll enhance the interest factor of all your posts. Be sure to explore our fine collection of images that are suitable for all occasions.

Blue Thumbs Up

Blue smiley for Facebook
Blue Thumbs Up

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Blue Thumbs Up SmileyTell your friends you support their opinion or great news when you're communicating with them on Facebook. Emphasize your agreement when you share this blue smiley with its big thumbs up. Our images are free to share and will enhance all your fun on Facebook. Discover all the great images we have just waiting for you to post.

I Have Secret

Gossip smiley

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Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Smiley telling secretThis smiley have some interesting secrets to share. If you also have some news to convey to a pal on Facebook, you can post this image in a message. Our emoticons will enhance your Facebook time with their attention-getting designs. Because they are free to use, you can share them every day as often as you like.

Excited Smiley

Excited Facebook Smiley

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Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Excited SmileyThis smiley has some bright eyes and obviously something she wants to share. If you, too, can barely contain your excitement, use this image to let your Facebook friends know what's on your mind. These images will ramp up your fun when you post them in messages or on Facebook timelines.

Teary Eyes

Teary smiley for Facebook

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Teary Eyes SmileyThis smiley has eyes that brim with tears. You can use it to express your thoughts on Facebook each time you communicate with your network of family and friends. Our collection is just waiting for you to explore. The images can be posted anywhere on Facebook. See for yourself how fun they are to share.

Slurp through a Straw

Slurping Smiley for Facebook

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Slurp through a StrawIf you are enjoying some Facebook time, you can let your friends know that you're online when you post cool images like this one. Each smiley is designed with attention-getting details that will improve the quality of all your posts. Get to know our website so you can share emoticons each and every time you visit Facebook.

Woozy Smiley

Drunken Smiley

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Woozy SmileyThis little smiley has indulged far too much for its own good. If you can somehow relate with this fellow, you can share it on Facebook to tell your friends what you've been up to. Connecting on Facebook is fun, but our images make communicating even more fun. Be sure to post some fun emoticons each time you visit Facebook.

Boy Girl

Boy and Girl Emoticons for Facebook
Boy Girl

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Boy Girl EmoticonsThese emoticons only have eyes for each other. If someone makes you feel the same way, you might want to share this eye-catching image with them or post it on your Facebook timeline. Our images may be used throughout Facebook and will help you create memorable and expressive posts.

Grimace Emoticon

Scowling emoticon

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Grimace EmoticonThis grimacing emoticon is awfully grumpy for some reason. Maybe you know why. His job is stressful, his girlfriend is driving him batty, or his favorite team just lost the game. When you're feeling this grouchy, you can share this image to let everyone on Facebook know how you feel.

Taped Shut

Mouth Taped Emoticon
Taped Shut

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Taped Shut EmoticonDid your mouth get you in trouble again? This smiley can't seem to close his either. If you are trying to hold your tongue or said something you shouldn't, this smiley is the perfect post for you. Share it with all your Facebook friends the next time you visit the social network.

Licks Lips

Tasty Lick Emoticon
Licks Lips

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Emoticon Licks LipsThis smiley either tasted something yummy or is licking its lips in preparation for a great Facebook post. Whatever the case, you can share this emoticon anywhere on the Facebook.

Party Hat

Facebook Emoticon Party
Party Hat

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Party Hat EmoticonThis emoticon has been to the party, but it might be time to head home. It looks a little tired. There's nothing like unwinding after a big night than a little bit of Facebook time. Tell your friends what you did tonight using our emoticons to help you express yourself. Check them all out. They are free for you to share.

Satisfied Smile

Big Smile FB Emoticon

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Satisfied SmileSome days Facebook needs a breath of fresh air. Lighten up the mood on the social network when you share this emoticon with a big smile. We have lots of emoticons to choose from. Get to know them all so you can choose to share you favorite ones with your friends.

Upset Emoticon

Agitated emoticon

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Upset EmoticonThis emoticon is feeling a bit upset. You can share it with your Facebook network to tell them how you feel. Our emoticons will enhance your Facebook posts by helping you convey just what you feel. Get to know the collection so you can share them with your FB friends.

Baffled Emoticon

Facebook Emoticon with Question

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Baffled EmoticonThis smiley is feeling a bit troubled with its questioning look. If it will help you express yourself, you can share it in a message or post it on your timeline. Our images are always free to use. Our collection is extensive as you will see. Follow us on Facebook so you can hear about new additions to each gallery quickly.

Light Bulb Idea

Facebook Emoticon with Light Bulb Idea
Light Bulb Idea

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Light Bulb IdeaWhen you want to share your next great idea on Facebook, you can post this emoticon to your timeline or someone else's. Our emoticons will definitely help you get the attention you want. Your posts will never be dull again when you infuse them with our colorful images. They work everywhere on Facebook.

Sweating Emoticon

Sweating Emoticon for Facebook

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Sweating EmoticonThis smiley is sweating profusely with a bout of nerves. If you feel nervous about an approaching test, a job interview, or even a big date, you might want to share this emoticon on Facebook. Our collection brims with all sorts of expressive smileys and emoticons. We have one to suit every situation.

Sticking Tongue Out

Facebook Emoticon Sticking Tongue Out
Tongue Out

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Sticking Tongue Out EmoticonThis cute emoticon has just joined the ranks of our many other expressive images. This adorable tongue out emoticon will help you express yourself on Facebook. After you get to know our emoticons collection, you'll be able to choose some to share with your friends.

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