Channel: Symbols & Emoticons
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Beaten Emoticon


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Beaten Up Emoticon
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This emoticon is hurting today. We’re not sure if he walked in front of a pickup truck or said the wrong thing to his girlfriend, but he’s battered and bruised today! If you feel similarly, like you just got beaten up, go ahead and share the hurt when you post this sad little emoticon.



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Bouaah emoticon
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This emoticon is tremendously versatile; go ahead and use him as you will! Send him along in a chat message to express shock or surprise; you can post him to someone’s timeline as well! We have a wonderful array of eclectic and strange emoticons as well as more conventional designs, too!

Pulling His Eyelid


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Akanbe emoticon
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We don’t mind being unconventional with our designs if you don’t! We know that often you need and rude or crude emoticon to make your point when messaging or posting on Facebook. This particular facial gesture is called Akanbe. Search all our galleries to find the emoticons that suit your style best!

Oh Noes


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Oh No Emoticon
Oh noes
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The other team scored? Maybe you didn’t get into your school of choice or your new roommate is a total dud. We love this emoticon for its great versatility and so will you! When you want to voice your dismay and displeasure, this emoticon will give you the shout out you’re looking for!

Shouting Emoticon


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Facebook Shout Emoticon
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You can use this shouting emoticon to emphasize something important you want to say! Maybe your favorite football team just scored or you passed your English class! When you want to make an announcement on Facebook, be sure to use one of our expressive emoticons!

Disappointed Emoticon


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Disappointed Facebook Emoticon
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When your Facebook friends disappoint you, send them this emoticon right away. Everyone goes through rough spells. Use our emoticons like this one to help convey your sentiments. Sometimes, just posting an emoticon like this one helps you get the disappointing news off your mind!

Shy Emoticon


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Facebook Shy Emoticon
Shy emoticon
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Feeling a little shy? Express how you feel with this cute little shy emoticon for Facebook. We have so many cool emoticons that are perfect for sharing all your feelings. Choose one to post from this gallery or take a look at all the others and discover your favorites!

Rapper Emoticon


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Rap Emoticon
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Cuz you just chillin like a villain on FB, you should send this emoticon to your posse so they no wazzup! We have a blast designing all the emoticons that suit our fans and their tastes. Discover how much fun Facebook can be when you can post cool images like this one on your friends’ timelines!

Whispering Emoticon


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Whisper Emoticon For Facebook
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This emoticon has something secret to tell you or maybe just wants to whisper sweet nothings! You can send this emoticon in a private Facebook chat message or share it on a wall. It’s easy; copy and paste the emoticon code in your Facebook chat or simply click the either button and you’ve instantly got a hip emoticon at your disposal!

Scary Emoticon


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Facebook Scary Emoticon
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Want to make sure everyone on FB knows to keep clear? Better post this scary emoticon on your timeline or send it in chat! This sinister image is a great way to ward off unwanted attention! All of our emoticons are designed for you to use on Facebook.

Embarrassed Smiley


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Embarrassed Smiley Is Ashamed
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If you’ve ever felt like this smiley or are in the midst of an embarrassing crisis, you can share the embarrassed emoticon with your friends on Facebook. Our smiley collection is filled all sorts of emotions. You can easily convey exactly how you feel when you post one.

Cheerful Smiley Jumping For Joy


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Cheerful Smiley
Jumping for joy!
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This happy smiley is a great choice for use on Facebook when you want to enliven a friend’s page or cheer someone up. You can either copy and paste the code or simply choose one of the buttons to send this smiley to chat or share on a pal’s timeline.

Cocktail Glass Emoji Art

Cocktail glassCocktail Glass Emoji Art
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Good for Facebook comments only. statuschatmessages

Drawing A Self-Portrait :)


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Emoticon Drawing A Smiley Face
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Smiley Laughing And Pointing


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Smiley Laughing And Pointing Finger
Laughing at you
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Star Emoticon Showing Thumbs Up


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Star Emoticon Showing Thumbs Up
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Christmas Emoticons


'Tis the season for holiday emoticons and smileys!  Our Christmas gallery has a festive array of Santas, snowmen, gingerbread men, and more!  We gathered candy canes, pretty packages, ornaments, and cute winter critters to give you the emoticon variety you need to share with your FB friends in private messages or on timelines.  Like our other emoticons, these are easy to share with a couple clicks of your mouse.  You may not be able to see everyone on your Facebook friends list over the holidays, but you can reach them all with a Christmas emoticon to let them know you're thinking of them during this delightful time of the year.

Facebook Santa Claus Emoticon
Santa emoticon
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Christmas Tree Emoticon
Christmas tree
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Christmas Stocking Emoticon
Christmas stocking
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Christmas Bells Emoticon
Christmas bells
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Facebook Snowman Emoticon
Snowman emoticon
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Merry Christmas Emoticon
Merry Christmas
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Christmas Candy Emoticon
Christmas candy
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Christmas Cookie Emoticon
Christmas cookie
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Funny Santa Emoticon
Silly Santa
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Angry Santa Emoticon
Angry Santa
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Saint Santa Emoticon
Good Santa
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Sleeping Santa Emoticon
Sleeping Santa
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Christmas Kitty Emoticon
Christmas kitty
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Christmas penguin emoticon
Christmas penguin
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Christmas Puppy Emoticon
Christmas puppy
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Christmas Teddy Bear Emoticon
Christmas teddy
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Merry Christmas Heart Emoticon
Merry Christmas
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Merry Christmas Facebook Emoticon
Merry Christmas
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Merry Christmas for Facebook
Merry Christmas
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Facebook Christmas Emoticon
Merry Christmas
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Happy Holidays And Best Wishes Card
Happy Holidays
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Happy Holidays Facebook Emoticon
Happy Holidays
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Happy Holidays Emoticon
Happy Holidays
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Season's Greetings Emoticon
Season's Greetings
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Gift Emoticon
Love gift
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Gift Boxes Emoticon
Gift boxes
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Red Ribbon Facebook Emoticon
Red ribbon emoticon
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Ornament Facebook smiley
Ornament smiley
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Baby Rudolph Facebook Emoticon
Baby Rudolph
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Merry Christmas Santa Emoticon
Santa Claus
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Christmas Holly Emoticon
Christmas holly
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Christmas Candle Emoticon
Christmas candle
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Santa Prepares Gifts Emoticon
Santa prepares gifts
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Santa Claus With Gifts Emoticon
Santa with gifts
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Santa Giving A Gift Emoticon
Santa giving a gift
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Santa Riding Rudolph Emoticon
Santa on the way
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Merry Christmas Ornament
Merry Christmas
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Feliz Navidad Emoticone
Feliz Navidad
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Boas Festas Emoticon
Boas Festas
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Joyeux Noël Emoticon
Joyeux Noël
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We hope this gallery will put you in the holiday mood! Share them with your family and friends for a more joyous online experience! Be sure to tell us which holiday smileys you like best. We are always designing and love to hear our fans' recommendations for new smileys and emoticons. So this season, don't be left out in the cold while everyone on FB is spreading happy holiday joy; send these Christmas emoticons along in all your messages to put a smile on your friends' faces. Be sure to check all of our galleries often to discover new smileys and emoticons that you can use all year long!

Emoticons Sharing a Drink


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Facebook Emoticons Sharing A Drink
Piña colada
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Let your significant other know you need a special getaway--even if it's only to share sips at your favorite hang-out! You'll find that our large collection is always expanding so be sure to check out all our galleries for new and exciting emoticons that are perfect for any occasion.

Kiss Emoticon


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Kiss Emoticons for Facebook
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Cheer Up


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Comforting Facebook Emoticons
Cheer up
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Cloudy days happen, but when the rain begins to fall you can call on one your friends or family members to stand by you through those difficult times. Share this expressive Facebook emoticon on your timeline or in a FB chat message and tell the people who care about you what's got you down.

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