Channel: Symbols & Emoticons
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Map Bird

Bird with map icon
Map Bird

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Map Bird - Facebook StickerThis bird is about to hit the road, but it's not sure which direction to fly. If you have want to take a vacation too and you don't know where to go, just post this image to Facebook and see where your friend suggest you take a trip. Don't forget to bring along your map!

Muscle Bird

Bird lifting weights
Muscle Bird

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Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Muscle BirdThis bird is lifting some weights. If you are heading to the gym to pump some iron, you'll want to post this bird on your timeline to let people know that you're building muscles and getting into great shape. Did you know that our icons are entirely free to share? It's fun to post them each time you visit FB.

Uncertain Bird

Uncertain Icon

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Uncertain BirdIf someone in your Facebook network has posted something confusing or questionable, you can post this uncertain bird as a response. We think we have an emoticon that is perfect for every single situation or occasion. Get to know all of our icons so you can post them on your Facebook timeline.

Telephone Bird

Bird on Telephone Icon
Telephone Bird

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Telephone BirdWhat on earth is this bird holding? Why, it's one of those old-fashioned telephone handles. Not everyone owns a cell phone as you can see! The point is, it's always good to keep in touch with friends no matter what device you choose for connecting. If you want someone to give you a call, you can post this icon on their timeline.

A Bit Dizzy

Dizzy Bird Icon

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Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

A Bit DizzyThis bird just couldn't contain itself. It accidentally passed some gas and it's feeling a bit dizzy. If someone has done or said something embarrassing on Facebook, you can post this image for a fun laugh. We have so many silly images that are just right for lightening the mood on the social network.

Chubby Bird

Fat Bird Icon

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Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Chubby IconThis bird is sick of dieting. It has gorged itself on a feast, which might not have been a good idea since it's feeling heavy and overly full. In fact, it might even have a belly ache. Give him a rest and let him relax on your profile. Your friends will be delighted to see this chubby icon on Facebook.

Flower Bird

Flower Bird FB Sticker
Flower Bird

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Bird with flowersThis little bird just loves hanging out in the garden. Look what he's brought to share with your friends on Facebook--these beautiful flowers. You can post this cute bird on a friend's timeline or share it in a message. Our emoticons and smileys work anywhere throughout Facebook and they are free to share.

Sporty Bird

Soccer ball bird icon

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Sporty BirdThis sporty little bird is a huge soccer fan. He takes his soccer ball with him everywhere--even to Facebook. He takes sports very seriously. If you take sports seriously too, you can post this bird on your timeline on the day of a big soccer game. We have icons that will suit every occasion you can think of.

Chef Bird

Bird cooking icon

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Chef BirdThis chef bird is going to create a feast, but isn't sure what ingredients to use. You can ask your Facebook friends to give him some dinner ideas. Only, be sure that chicken and other types of poultry aren't on the menu. Also, he prefers to cook with berries, seeds, and worms!

Thumbs Up Bird

Bird thumbs up icn
Thumbs Up

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Thumbs Up Bird IconWant to let one of your Facebook friends know that you're sending them good thoughts? Just send this thumbs up bird to tell them you are cheering for them. Let them know you approve 100%. Be sure to share this icon the next time you visit Facebook to connect.

Drinking Too Much

Bird drinking icon
Drinking Too Much

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Drinking Too MuchThis bird needs to learn some limits. It's going to have a miserable day tomorrow. If you aren't feeling well because of last night's good time or you know someone who partied too hard, you can post this icon to Facebook. Our images are designed to get everyone's attention and bring a smile to their face.

Bird with a Package

Bird post package icon

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Bird with a PackageThis bird just received a package in the mail. What could it be? If you got something exciting in the mail, post this image and tell your Facebook friends all about it. Everyone likes to hear good news. Your friends will be happy to know that something cool just arrived at your house for you.

Mummy Bird

Beaten up - Facebook sticker

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Mummy BirdYou don't have to wait till Halloween to post this image. If you are watching a scary movie, you can tell your Facebook friends all about it. This image will help you express your thoughts. We have thousands of cool images you can share online with your friends for free. Get to know them all.

Construction Worker

Construction worker sticker for Facebook
Construction Worker

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Construction Worker IconThis bird is all set to go to work. When you're ready to set off for the day, you can share this icon on Facebook to let your friends know all about it. Tell your FB pals that you found this cute icon on our website. Maybe they will start sharing our cool icons too.

Sad Bird

Bird is sad icon
Sad Bird

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Sad BirdSomeone has hurt this little bird's feelings. It's not nice to see such a sweetie down in the mouth. Perk him up and send him to Facebook. Your friends are sure to have some funny comments to cheer him up. If you are feeling sad, maybe your friends can cheer you up too.

Trophy Bird

Trophy icon
Trophy Bird

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Trophy BirdThis bird just won this magnificent trophy. You can show it off by post this icon on Facebook. Be sure to follow our Facebook page if you enjoy our collection of emoticons and smileys. Then you can find out about new updates to the galleries. We add new images to our collection on a regular basis.

Gloomy Bird

Feeling down - Facebook sticker

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Gloomy Bird IconRough weather is following this bird. If you are facing some storms too, just share this image on Facebook to let your friends know that some rain clouds have settled in. Perhaps they can help you weather the storms. We have images that will help you express everything you think and feel.

Tearful Bird

Bird crying Facebook sticker

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Tearful Bird IconThis bird is a little sad today as you can see by the river of tears flowing down this bird's face. Do you feel sad like this bird too? We hope no one has broken your heart. Maybe your Facebook friends can cheer you up once you post this image and tell them how you're feeling.


Microphone sticker for Facebook

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Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Microphone Facebook IconIs your Facebook friend speech-making again? Why not present them with this handy microphone? We have a unique collection of hand gestures that are perfect for sharing on Facebook for all sorts of occasions. Be sure to scroll through all of them so you'll be ready to use them when the situation arises.

Thumbs Up Love

Thumbs Up Love Facebook Sticker
Thumbs Up Love

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Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Thumbs Up Love IconIf your sweetheart has stated something that you approve of, feel free to share this thumbs up heart. All of our cool icons are free to share. You can post them anywhere you like on Facebook. Each one is bound to make a great impression on your friends. Start sharing our designs today.

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