Emoticon in Seventh Heaven
Hateful Emoticons
Surprise Kiss
Meh Emoticon
Groggy Emoticon
Frown Emoticon
Sad Emoticon
Spring Season Emoticon
Autumn Emoticon
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It's that wonderful time of year when the apple cider brims and pumpkins perch on the leaf-strewn ground. Add this festive fall emoticon to a private FB message or send along in a post for all your Facebook friends to enjoy. You'll see we have a myriad of seasonal emoticons for you to enjoy throughout the year.
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This smarty pants knows that the key to knowledge is mastered by reading. A love of books is a marvelous thing to share when you send this emoticon to family and friends via Facebook. When you want to recommend a great book you just read, post this emoticon to your timeline for your pals to see.
Charlie Chaplin Emoticon
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This icon of film is always welcome in an FB message or chat session. We love creating new emoticons that our fans will love to use again and again. If you love to act or are a big Chaplin fan, you can adopt this unforgettable emoticon and make this most of his undying charm!
Groucho Marx
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This comedian's comedian is poised to add some wit to you Facebook conversation. Pair this Groucho emoticon with a famous Groucho Marx quote like "I've had a marvelous evening, but this wasn't it." Send him along in a chat message to a fellow Marx Brothers fan or feature him in a post.
Laurel and Hardy
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These brilliant comedians are legends from Hollywood's Golden Age. Their comedic film antics are still hilarious to behold. Send them in a private FB message or post to a wall. You can find all sorts of eclectic emoticons by browsing through each gallery and choosing something perfect for your post.
Argument Emoticon
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Quarrels are the stuff of life and storms brew when arguments happen. Feeling a disagreement welling up? You can send this stormy emoticon along when you want to send a real shout out that you're unhappy about something big. We have a wide variety of emoticons and smileys that will express all your emotions with clarity.
Baby Love
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It's so romantic to send a sweet message filled with our lovable emoticons and smileys. We've designed a wide array of romantic emoticons for you to use whenever you get the urge to be romantic. Send this emoticon in a chat session or post to someone's timeline.
Bubble Kiss
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These lip-smacking bubbles know how to have fun. When you want to entice someone to pucker up, send this adorable emoticon their way. They may expect real hugs and kisses in person however! Check out all our kissable emoticons. We've got you covered when it comes to love and romance on FB.
Sobbing Emoticon
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This poor guy just can't stop from crying out loud. If you feel like this, you should post to a timeline or chat so that your family and friends can start sending good vibes your way. Try to breathe and take it easy. Sometimes a good cry and be a positive way to relieve those pent up feelings.
Tears Flow
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If you're in the throes of agony, why not let someone know how you're feeling? Our emoticons are designed to mirror the wide spectrum of human emotions. Sometimes we cry and sometimes we laugh. We have emoticons for all your feelings. Send them in a chat message or post to an FB timeline.
Welling Up
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This poor baby isn't going to keep them from spilling is he? If someone is making you weepy, you can let them know by sending this emoticon on FB to announce how you feel. Don't be shy about sharing your feelings. Your friends want to know how you're doing!