Channel: Symbols & Emoticons
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Business Emoticon


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Businessman Emoticon
Business Minded
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Got your mind on business? Maybe you're a business major or have designs on going into business? You can adopt business emoticon to help showcase your plans. Check out all of our new emoticons and smileys. We invite you to share them with as many friends on Facebook as you like!

Blowing Bubbles


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Emoticon Blowing Bubbles
Blowing Bubbles
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Who doesn't love to blow a bubble or two? We keep designing new and clever emoticons so you'll have plenty of fun in store each time you visit our website and explore the galleries. We enjoy enhancing your FB time with our wide range of smileys! Prepare to have fun with them!

Cheerful Emoticon


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Cheerful Emoticon
Good Vibes
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Cheerful and happy, this emoticon is perfect for a wide variety of occasions. You can respond to a friend's comment by posting this adorable smiley on a timeline or send it in a Facebook chat message. This one is guaranteed to brighten up someone's day and bring a smile to their face!

Clown Emoticon


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Clown Emoticon
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Send this clown to deliver some positive cheer to anyone who needs a laugh. This fun-loving clown may also represent your humorous side. You can post it in a chat session or to a timeline. You'll discover as you browse our galleries that we have a myriad of great emoticons to keep you entertained.

Devil in the Details


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Devil Emoticon
Evil emoticon
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This imp has something sinister up his sleeves! Maybe you know someone else who does too! You can send this smiley when you want to let someone know you're on to their crafty ways! Don't be shy! Feel free to use as many emoticons as you like. They're free to use!



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Dionysus Emoticon
Dionysus emoticon
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If you're letting the wine flow and want to let the Facebook world know, you can post this slightly sauced emoticon on your timeline. We love to design emoticons that we know you'll find a great use for! Be sure to browse each gallery to discover all your favorites.

Dubious Emoticon


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Dubious Emoticon For Facebook
That's Debatable
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Dubious emoticon might be pining for an argument or just in need of some added information to feel quite assured. You'll find that all of our emoticons are fun and easy to use each time you visit Facebook to share a laugh with family or friends. Be sure to browse all of our emoticon-filled galleries to find your favorites.

Water and Fire Emoticons


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Water And Fire Emoticons For Facebook
Water & Fire
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Opposites attract, right? This emoticon reflects water and fire--the eternal elements. You can share them in your Facebook chat session or post to a wall. We're sure there's an emoticon in our galleries that's just perfect for something you want to express. Be sure to view them all!

Flatterer Emoticon


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Flattering Emoticon
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Want to send someone a message telling them you're thinking something sweet? This emoticon is perfect for sharing that sentiment! Post to someone's timeline or send it in a private chat message. We've designed our emoticons for Facebook so use as many as you like!

Having a Laugh


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Facebook Emoticons Laughing
Having fun
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These light-hearted emoticons might just sum up you and your significant other. If that's the case, these emoticons can be posted to your timeline or sent along in a chat message. We love to design emoticons for you to use on Facebook so be sure to check for new ones often!

Frustrated Emoticon


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Frustrated Emoticon
Frustrated emoticon
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Does somebody make you feel like this? If you share this unsavory emotion, you can use this emoticon to demonstrate exactly how you feel. Why suffer alone? Get some anger off your chest and do a little venting. You might even feel better and certainly less frustrated than before!

Furious Emoticon


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Furious Emoticon
Furious emoticon
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We're not sure what made this emoticon so piping mad, but perhaps you know? Lost your wallet? Got dumped? Ran into a pole with your brand new car? Whatever the reason may be, we hope you find some tranquility soon. Until then, check out this great emoticon!

Old Eyeglasses


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Eyeglasses Emoticon For Facebook
Old glasses
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Big Eyeglasses Emoticon


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Magnifying Eyeglasses
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These big glasses are perfect when you need to carefully examine all the facts! You can send any emoticon you like on Facebook for free! We've designed these clever and amusing emoticons for all to enjoy. Use them to express all your emotions whenever you're chatting with your FB friends.



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Emoticon Frightened By Mouse
Afraid of mouse
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If you've just seen something to make you shriek, you'll enjoy posting this emoticon to your FB timeline or in a private chat. Mice, spiders, rats, bats--if these creatures don't make you nervous, what will?! Check out are incredible range of expressive emoticons to find your favorites.

Here it comes!


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Paint Prank Emoticon
Paint prank
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When you feel like something is about to pour down, we've got the perfect emoticon for you! You'll get people's attention on FB when you share this evocative emoticon with them. Place it on a wall or in a private message. Scroll through our new emoticons to find your favorites.

Emoticon with Spectacles


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Spectacles Emoticon
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This charming emoticon is all set for you to use him in your next chat message or post him to your timeline! We think he's so adorable and we hope you will too! Since we are always adding new emoticons to the website, be sure to check it often to discover new favorites.

Glasses Emoticon


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Glasses Facebook Emoticon
Glasses emoticon
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Perhaps you've been studying too hard or your new glasses are too tight? We can see you're not feeling your best so we've designed this emoticon for you to express yourself. Tell your friends on FB about us so they can discover our great collection of emoticons too!



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Grumpy Facebook Emoticon
Grumpy emoticon
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These zany emoticons are opposites today. If you're feeling grumpy or just trying to cheer up someone grumpy on Facebook, we've designed all sorts of great smileys and emoticons to get your point across. Check them all out as you browse through each gallery. We can't wait for you to try some out!

Happy Emoticons


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Happy Facebook Emoticons
Cheerful pair
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These two happy emoticons are in perfect sync with their cheerful display. When you're feeling happy about someone and you know they're happy about you too, send them this blissful emoticon to let them know just how you feel! Share our Facebook emoticons with all your family and friends!

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